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Hahnah Williams and all other speakers or instructors are not your lawyer. For the Scrubs is not a law firm. For the Scrubs, Hahnah Williams, and all Speakers are not giving you legal advice. We make no claims nor guarantee of any kind regarding your exposure to professional liability claims or license defense claims through our communications or your participation in the purchase of any of our products or participation in our affiliate program. There is no guarantee that you will not be named in medical malpractice lawsuit or professional license action by purchasing our products and reviewing our materials. Hahnah Williams is not acting as an attorney or legal advisor to any user of this website. For the Scrubs is not a law firm, the information on this website and in the products sold on the site do not constitute legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship will be formed by visiting the website, reviewing the information contained herein, or purchasing the products.